Baqal #30
3 Stars (15) 6
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0.5 Stars8.11.2022
Bigger variety than other online marts.
5 Stars5.7.2021
as soon as delivey renders .maximum service offers
0.5 Stars23.11.2020
الاسعار كانه في غابة مبالغ فيه وخدمة التوصيل اكثر من ساعتين الرد سيء
0.5 Stars12.11.2020
توصيلهم دائما به تأخير و ردودهم سيئه .
5 Stars8.11.2020
I had a lot of difficulty during the lock down! This was the only online service that helped me sort my groceries struggle Excellent Customercare
0.5 Stars22.10.2020
من يقومون بالتوصيل ليس لديهم مهنيه فاحضر الطلب و بعد ذلك اكتشف انه ناقص فاحضر الباقي و وضعه امام الباب فقط و عندما اتصلت للشكوي لا يوجد ادني اهتمام.

Star ratings are based on all assessments collected for this brand that have been authenticated by Service Hero. Data is subject to periodic authentication procedures and may vary slightly with time. Learn more

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