Williams-Sonoma #11
Al Shaya
3 Stars (16) 7
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1 Stars8.11.2022
الاسعار مرتفعه و لكن الجوده تستحق
0.5 Stars5.7.2021
Develop a comprehensive online ordering experience that INCLUDES the kitchen products. It is ridiculous that the only thing that can be ordered online is the furniture from the Home portion of the brand.
3 Stars3.2.2021
Best home furnishings brand in the word
5 Stars27.12.2018
ممتاز وبضاعة رائعة واسعار جيد جداً
3 Stars1.1.2018
Had a problem with the Privilege app, they tried to help, but the solution was technical so unable to. But were friendly and helpful.
1 Stars26.10.2017
Love this store even though it's on the pricey side. ..great selection and styles

Star ratings are based on all assessments collected for this brand that have been authenticated by Service Hero. Data is subject to periodic authentication procedures and may vary slightly with time. Learn more

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