Kuwait Bowling Sporting Club #29
3 Stars (9) 5
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3.5 Stars28.5.2024
المكان مهمل يحتاج الي التصيانه
1 Stars3.3.2023
لا يوجد عروض
1 Stars1.2.2023
Personally hate bowling but my friends always drag me here. I appreciate the service is good. Music is fun and the place is clean. Food options suck and are extremeeeely overpriced and they don't allow you to take in anything. Not even my reusable water bottle. Please update this policy. People have to stay hydrated and don't want to rely on plastic water bottles.
0.5 Stars21.1.2023
Keep Bowlingggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg
5 Stars9.12.2022
Very reasonable price with alot of bowling alleys

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