Coast #35
Al Shaya
3 Stars (27) 6
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5 Stars12.7.2017
رووووعة من تصاميم و اسعار
5 Stars11.11.2013
Keep it up
1 Stars24.7.2013
The service offered was "bland". Staff not enthusiastic
0.5 Stars3.12.2012
الخدمه جيده ولكن الاسعار مرتفعه بعض الشيء
5 Stars1.11.2012
While overall i have no problem, i did have a huge problem with the manageress giving a pep talk to her staff at full volume behind the till. It was crass and she was most impleasant and actually put me off me shopping. This is not the first time this has happened in Al-Shaya store. It was a shame
5 Stars16.10.2012
اتمني لجميع العاملين التوفيق .. وخدمتهم رائعة

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