Cromwell Hospital #28
3 Stars (13) 4
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3 Stars23.3.2021
رسوم الكشفيه لدي الاخصائي كتير مرتفعه فيجب مراعاه من لديهم اكثر من طفل
0.5 Stars24.2.2019
مستشفى سيء بكل معنى الكلمة اصبح تجاري
0.5 Stars9.11.2017
The place was not clean, there was water on the bathroom floor, staff was very rude, and service speed was were slow. Only good thing was the doctor was thorough and accommodating.
5 Stars13.3.2017
تحسين الاداءالطبي في قسم الولادة

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