Apple #1
3 Stars (2,254) 761
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4.5 Stars17.6.2024
Apple products are excellent.God customer service
5 Stars15.3.2023
Couldn't be more satisfied with the Apple brand: products, service, everything is outstanding.
5 Stars1.3.2023
best user friendly phone with best camera
5 Stars23.2.2023
The service is very good
5 Stars26.1.2023
Apple brand ... very well known products
0.5 Stars17.1.2023
I don't like this brand
5 Stars17.1.2023
اتمنى التوفيق
5 Stars29.12.2022
They prices in last couple years are very very expensive for phones, but in the other hand for that amount of money you really buy great phone with great performance and camera is always good! really happy with my iphone 13promax.
5 Stars26.12.2022
There no issue from apple store. But some product is not available in the store. Need to fix that one

Star ratings are based on all assessments collected for this brand that have been authenticated by Service Hero. Data is subject to periodic authentication procedures and may vary slightly with time. Learn more

About Apple

Performance chart
Year Country Wins Category Wins Nominations Honorable mentions
2021 Second Place
2020 Second Place
2019 Third Place
2018 Second Place
2017 First Place
2016 First Place