The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf #24
3 Stars (10) 6
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5 Stars31.3.2021
عندهم اسطاف يجنن وقهوتهم رائعه
5 Stars30.1.2021
احب موظفينهم
5 Stars20.12.2018
One of my fave coffee brands. Even in my home country I make sure I take my coffee from here. Love its taste. Good blend. Great staff and ambiance. Good price.
0.5 Stars19.3.2018
المكان جميل والموظفين محترمين ولكن يجب ان يمنعوا التدخين بالداخل
0.5 Stars26.11.2016
I love the breakfast in The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf , as it's quit different than the others. They need WAY much more branches in many different areas to be more accessible , and to get well known .
3 Stars29.7.2016
CBTL why did you close down in Sharjah, please come back. Best coffee by far.

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