Muji #13
Al Shaya
3 Stars (26) 10
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4.5 Stars18.8.2024
كل محلات الشايع اسعارهم وخدمتهم ممتازة.
0.5 Stars17.12.2023
الاسعار مبالغ بها جدا رغم جودة الممتازة للمنتج .. الاسعار ٣ اضعاف مقارنة لسعرها في اليابان او الدول الاخرى
0.5 Stars17.1.2023
They have increased the price of all items, more than 100% increased in price.
5 Stars16.3.2021
addicted to the small nick nacks in the store to organize home items and also stationary is great quality
0.5 Stars26.1.2021
غالي جدا وجميع منتجاتهم لها بالسوق بديل ارخص
5 Stars30.3.2020
بعض البضائع تكون غالية
3 Stars18.8.2019
I admit to being addicted to muji for knickknacks and home basics. good quality and I appreciate that they seem to have lowered prices recently...(so it seems to me)
5 Stars27.12.2018
لو اقدر احط اكثر من ١٠ والله يستاهل ❤️❤️
5 Stars11.12.2018
Great items and great ideas to organize my stuff
5 Stars14.10.2018
I love all the products that they house. If you need anything relating to organising, MUJI is the place to be. They have the tiniest of tiniest things that will make you want to buy it. Love the fact that they also have clothing and home fragrances too. Keep it up MUJI.

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