Baker & Spice #25
3 Stars (13) 12
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4.5 Stars14.7.2024
غالين شوي
4.5 Stars28.5.2024
Had an excellent meal at their 360 branch, staff was very friendly and fast. They helped us narrow down our order options from the menu - and we ended up having a delicious feast.
0.5 Stars12.9.2022
تعامل الموظفين و سرعتهم بحاجه لتحسن
0.5 Stars12.9.2022
الموظفين اسلوبهم اختلف فاستقبالهم و سرعتهم صاروا غير الاول
5 Stars18.3.2022
Stay amazing like you are
1 Stars1.3.2022
Great salad, excellent pizza, wonderful pasta but pasta sauce a bit bland.
3 Stars23.11.2021
I feel like the quality of their food has gone down in the past few years since they are more popular now. I had a salad and the eggplant was sour, which was disappointing
1 Stars23.12.2020
بصراحه اطباق حلو عجبني ريوق عجبني سلطات احسن شي ما عندهم مشروبات عازيه لازم عصاير يعني مطعم صحياسعار شويه مرتفع نبي اطباق اكثر منتوع
5 Stars24.11.2020
خدمه ممتازه والعاملين محترفين.جودة الطعام ممتازه

Star ratings are based on all assessments collected for this brand that have been authenticated by Service Hero. Data is subject to periodic authentication procedures and may vary slightly with time. Learn more

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