Porsche #40
Behbehani Motors Company
3 Stars (154) 81
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0.5 Stars28.2.2024
I've owned Porsches over a decade and think their service has dropped off a cliff in recent years. They have become incompetant and arrogant…they simply don’t care.
5 Stars24.1.2024
تكلفة الصيانة غالية غالية جدا مقارنة بالوكالات الاخرى الالمانية - الوقت رائع للصيانة
0.5 Stars30.11.2023
After they forgot to order parts and wasted weeks, they returned my car with 3 faults that never existed before. When I pointed faults out the workshop told my agent there was nothing wrong, so I needed to make 2 trips to garage to show them the issues which were immediately obvious. Agent was always prompt and apologetic, but management and workshop defiantly clueless.
5 Stars4.10.2023
اسعار الصيانه مرتفعه جدآ.
0.5 Stars22.8.2023
اسعارهم خيالية بشكل مبالغ به - خدمة العملاء سيئة جدا - خدماتهم ضعيفة
5 Stars21.8.2023
الخدمة رائعة
3 Stars10.8.2023
مافي اهتمام للعمله .
5 Stars5.7.2023
قطع الغيار تستغرق وقت طويل جدا لجلبها من الخارج/ والاسعار مبالغ بها .

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