Infiniti #20
Al Masaood
3 Stars (18) 7
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5 Stars27.4.2021
well recommended brand as it will satisfy your dream
5 Stars11.2.2021
my brother was driving this brand its very luxury comfortable and strong .. I love it and I will buy one in the future
3 Stars9.2.2021
الموظفين بحاجة الى خبرة اكثر بالتعامل مع الزبائن والتحدث الى عدة لغات للتفاهم مع الزبائن لا يبتسمون ولا يرحبون بالشخص ارجو اخذ هذه الشكوى بعين الاعتبار
5 Stars28.1.2021
شركة ممتازة جدا وربنا يوفقكم دوما
5 Stars1.6.2018
It a japanies luxury brand that is competing aggressively in the UAE market. With a 5 year unlimited milage warranty is just great valie for money.
3 Stars23.1.2018
من أفضل شركات السيارات
0.5 Stars26.7.2016
Good for mature customer's

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