دودج #31
شركة المشاريع التجارية الفطيم ذ. م.
3 Stars (32) 6
قيّم الآن


5 Stars26.12.2022
what ah stylish vehicle.
1 Stars22.9.2021
The staff should be more helpful and need to decrease the prices for new models
0.5 Stars17.12.2016
The sales personnel expect the client to buy the car on the first instance within 10 minutes of arriving at the showroom. However buying a car is lengthy process and you are parting with huge amount of money and a long term commitment. The client is more knowledgeable about the particular model of the car than the sales guy. They need be more informed about the vehicles they are selling if sole purpose of their job is to sell cars.
0.5 Stars8.9.2016
Customer SERVICE
3 Stars26.7.2016
Expensive..... need to add some promotions
0.5 Stars23.7.2016
eleiminate the hidden and extra charges, always tell customer the truth, increase integrity level among thier employees

تعتمد التقييمات بالنجوم على جميع المستويات التي تم تحصيلها لهذه العلامة التجارية والتي تمت مصادقتها بواسطة سيرفس هيرو. تخضع البيانات لإجراءات المصادقة الدورية وقد تختلف قليلاً مع الوقت. تعلم المزيد لمعرفة المزيد