Papa John's #13
3 Stars (636) 232
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5 Stars29.4.2024
لديهم عروض كثيره
3 Stars3.3.2024
اغلي من السوق
5 Stars19.2.2024
Great pizza. Probably the best pizza delivery place in kuwait.
1 Stars30.1.2024
they don't always give the same product
5 Stars22.1.2024
درجة أمتياز
0.5 Stars31.12.2023
poor quality ingredients , non healthy
0.5 Stars20.12.2023
مع المقاطعة
5 Stars6.11.2023
Papa John's is a pizza chain that consistently delivers delicious pizza and more. Their signature pizzas are known for their quality ingredients and tasty flavors. The crust is typically soft and fluffy, and the toppings are fresh and generous. The menu offers a variety of choices, including classic options and creative specialty pizzas. Delivery is usually prompt, and the staff is friendly. While their prices may be slightly higher than some competitors, the quality of the pizza justifies it. If you're in the mood for a reliable and satisfying pizza, Papa John's is a go-to choice.

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AboutPapa John's

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