Ajman Bank #8
3 Stars (20) 7
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3 Stars2.8.2021
اعادة تأهيل الموظفين
0.5 Stars29.1.2021
اهمال وعدم خبرة اغلبية الموظفين
3 Stars29.12.2020
few branches in uae...
0.5 Stars16.11.2020
When I moved to this bank I was expecting it to provide me with financial solutions, but it provided me with more troubles, luckily I could manage my finances but I went through horrible time with this bank, not giving me any type of solution and their ultimate answer to any of my requests is “no” I definitely not recommending this bank to anyone
0.5 Stars6.3.2020
i like the value for money.
0.5 Stars25.11.2018
they are terrible in terms of customer service and they never reply or return back to the customers
0.5 Stars7.11.2018
customer service is very poor , and they should upgrade their system

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