Amazon #13
3 Stars (293) 132
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5 Stars13.6.2023
Almost most of the items I order from Amazon, I love it. They have many options which I can choose from. Till now I have not faced any issues with orders. But nowadays if we order any beauty items which have offers we need to choose to repeat delivery options and only on that there are offers. Which is not suitable for regular consumers. I dont want to buy the same product next time. They should come up with different offer ideas which are appealing to consumers.
5 Stars27.2.2023
This apps is very and always have good promotions.quality value for money
5 Stars29.12.2022
Always recived items very good
3 Stars26.12.2022
They should screen the seller. Its very hassle that we are receiving wrong item. However, customer service is really helpful. Thumbs up.
3 Stars26.12.2022
They have a very efficient customer service system. They resolved issues fast as well.
5 Stars26.12.2022
All Time Good Experience with AMAZON 🤩
0.5 Stars30.11.2022
I Am not comfortable to Amazon App. Look and feel not great
5 Stars6.11.2022
We love amazon. Hope all items have an available invoice on the app.
5 Stars4.10.2022
A bit more flexibility in delivery options would be good

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