Chevrolet #14 ENGAGED
Alghanim Industries
3 Stars (2,287) 828
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3.5 Stars15.5.2024
يلجؤوا دائما الى المبالغة بعطل السيارة ليزيدوا قطع الغيار التي تم تغييرها واجور التصليح
4.5 Stars9.5.2024
اسعار قطع الغيار مبالغ فيها. مكانهم زحمة
4 Stars8.5.2024
قيمة الصيانة عالية
4.5 Stars7.5.2024
خدماتهم اكثر من ممتازة
4 Stars7.5.2024
اسعار اليد العاملة مبالغ فيها جدا. الخدمة للسيارات التي ضمن الكفالة افضل من خدمة السيارات التي خارج الكفالة
4.5 Stars7.5.2024
الاسعار بمتداول الايدي
4 Stars6.5.2024
خدماتهم جيدة
4.5 Stars6.5.2024
الايدي العاملة غالية
1.5 Stars4.5.2024
Bought new tires at their recommendation and had a manufacturers defect within a month. Asked them to come collect the unsafe car and fix the tire but they insisted i pay for the towing service. They said it was not in their policy to do so even if the tire issue was from their side. Also had to call them several times and they kept promising to call me back to discuss the solution. But it took them 3 days to do so. Horrible customer service.

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